Ideas portal

Automated interventions and engagement topics

Students do a pre-lab homework or quiz involving safety questions for the lab (and other things). Their performance is analyzed by our system and then 5 minutes before the lab section starts, the top "3 things" that are worrisome safety knowledge issues are presented to the TA (text, notification, email...) for them to make an announcement at the start of lab.

Example: System presents 3 things, one of which is a safety question on when to use gloves in the lab and the frequency of each MC response. TA looks at it and announces: "A lot of you missed the question on when to wear gloves in the lab, with many thinking that they should be put on after handling glassware but before handling chemicals. This is incorrect. It is important that you understand this, so please all look at me and nod in acknowledgement that gloves should be worn before handling anything in the lab, including glassware." (Version 1)

For TA engagement, perhaps the TA's are given 5 questions to walk around and ask students as they mill around the room during lab. (Version 3)

For accountability, perhaps the TA's click on a button to verify they made that announcement, or perhaps the students are asked whether the TA did make the announcements. (Version 4)

Later, the system might prioritize safety questions but also have a prioritized list of other tags that can be added if there weren't 3 safety issues with the pre-lab performance, tags such as: "equipment use" or "common procedure error" or the like. (Version 5)

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  • Oct 18 2018
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