Ideas portal

Weekly Instructor Summary for Customer Satisfaction and Product Roadmap Prioritization

As a product-focused company, we'd like to explore the value of different learning analytics metrics to our customers to understand their value to them before we build them into the platform.

As an instructor, I'd like to have summary reports sent to me so I can easily consume information about what happened in labs last week that I might want to investigate or intervene on. Some of it I might simply find interesting because I'm a spreadsheet jockey and data nerd.


  • Monday morning email sent to coordinators or instructors
  • We should have a top section of analytics we have already bought into:
    • TAs with highest and lowest average lab report scores that are > 1 standard deviation different from the mean.
    • TAs/section instructors who are taking longer than 2 weeks to finish grading and posting lab report scores.
    • Lab sections with concerning pre-lab prep scores
  • We also want to solicit valuable information about what people like. So we have a bottom section of learning analytics that we ask for feedback on:
    • Perhaps list an analytic we are trying out, such as "average time for students to begin collecting data in lab" with a Likert 1-5 "How much do you agree with the statement 'This metric is valuable should be included regularly in weekly reports and built as a dashboard within the product.'"
  • Guest
  • Dec 7 2019
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