Ideas portal

UTRGV Feedback.

Feedback from Helia Morales, organic prof. at UTRGV (such a nice person offering this in the sweetest way... might want to reach back out to her if we have questions)

  • Gradebook: students typing in names using nicknames (Dan vs. Daniel). Common issue, where she has to fix by manually entering grades in Bb. Also, if the student uses lowercase (garcia vs. Garcia), labflow puts student at bottom, messing up the order of students, making is even more difficult (this might be on export). So she had to type in grades manually (and asked for LMS SSO and grade-sync).

  • Want to go back to course without scrolling. This was her first piece of feedback and important to her.

  • When grading, if grader leaves or gets timed out, really hard to navigate back to the lab report they were in the middle of grading (often can't remember). Bb returns her to the point she was when she left off.

  • In the gradebook and other tables, hard to use and often things are hidden that you have to scroll to to see

  • Lots of columns in the gradebook for activities they are not doing. Confused her TAs

  • Guest
  • Jul 14 2020
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